Parliament of the World’s Religions

Parliament of the World’s Religions

What: The 2021 Parliament of the World’s ReligionsWhen: October 16 – 18, 2021Where: Virtually Around the WorldHow: Register Today The 2021 Parliament of the World’s Religions will be the eighth convening and the first time that it will be hosted virtually. ...
COVID-19 Memorial Service

COVID-19 Memorial Service

Dear Pastors and Admin folks,   Please help VIA by running the blurb below to promote a COVID memorial service we have planned for Sun, Sept. 19th at 3 pm on the Statehouse Lawn in Montpelier. (The time is an hour earlier than we stated in previous communications.)  ...
Christian Concert with Love & The Outcome

Christian Concert with Love & The Outcome

** CHRISTIAN CONCERT **THURSDAY, SEPT 9, 2021 @ 7PM VT Christian Music is excited to announce our first in-person show since Feb 2020 which will feature Love & The Outcome with Dave Pettigrew. At IGNITE CHURCH, Willison VTTickets available at $20/GA and $30/VIP...
Bishop Coyne re-establishes Sunday obligation

Bishop Coyne re-establishes Sunday obligation

Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ: Next weekend, you and I will celebrate the 4th of July and offer praise and thanksgiving to God for the blessings of freedom that we have as citizens of this great nation: freedom of speech, press, assembly, and petition among...