Jesus’ Invitation

Holy Family Church – Essex Junction 30 Lincoln St, Essex Junction, VT, United States

After Mass coffee time from 9:15 to 10:30 a.m. Jesus said to them, “Come away by yourselves to a deserted place and rest a while.” Mark 6:31. It is to Jesus’ invitation that we will respond during these 4 encounters (or classes) during Lent. Lead by Louise Boisvert. · March 12th: Jesus Christ, the “living […]

Bible Study

Holy Cross Church – Colchester 416 Church Rd, Bristol, VT, United States

Interested in joining an informal bible study group? Our bible study meets at Holy Cross every Wednesday from noon to 1:00pm to discuss and discern how to put God’s Word into practice in our lives. If you have questions, please call the parish office at 802-863-3002. All are welcome to join.