The Vermont Racial Justice Alliance, in partnership with the New Alpha Missionary Baptist Church will be live streaming the second annual FirstAfrican Landing Vermont Commemoration on 22 August 2020, from 2:00 PM till 6:00 PM. Our commemoration culminated last year with Governor Scott proclaiming the 4th Saturday of August First African Landing Day in Vermont! This invitation only, live streaming event will be safety and security monitored for masking and social distancing. All personnel on sight will be required to submit to contact-tracing enabling protocols. You can see the lineup here.
Live Streaming Event:
This event serves to recognize the 401st anniversary of the landing of the first Africans in English-occupied North America at Point Comfort in1619. Though this second annual African Landing Day Commemoration does not celebrate the circumstances surrounding the arrival of the first Africans to our shores, the commemoration serves as a marker in history that shines a light on the incredibly powerful 401 year journey, and offers some hope in the continued struggle to dismantle the systems of oppression created by the original sin.
We’re excited to be returning to do this event for the second year. All proceeds for the event this year will go to the Building Fund of the New Alpha Missionary Baptist Church, the only church in Vermont that worships in the African American tradition! Our goal of $100K is achievable with your help sponsoring this event. You can choose from three options of sponsorship.
Bronze – For a $1000 sponsoring gift we’ll publicly name your organization as a sponsor.
Silver – Offer a $2500 sponsoring gift and we’ll publicly name your organization as a sponsor and make space for your organization’s banner on the event site.
Gold – With a $5000 sponsoring gift we’ll publicly name your organization as a sponsor, save a seat for you at the event (you’ll be contacted for coordination) and make space for your organization’s banner on the event site.
If you are interested in gifting any other amount or a personal gift, we’ve also created a place for you to give and support this work here. Thank you for partnering with the Vermont Racial Justice Alliance and New Alpha Missionary Baptist Church in this 401-year commemoration of the First African Landing!