Happy New Year!
No matter how any of us feel about Covid (mask/no mask, vaccine/anti-vax), we should all be armed with facts and truth. We all need to hear both sides of the story and then stay informed.
The event described below has nationally known speakers coming here to Vermont.  
Truth seems very hard to find in this very politicized topic. I encourage you all to attend or to send someone you know to attend. We all need to hear different points of view and then decide for ourselves.
We owe it to ourselves and those we lead/influence to know all we can about this issue.
And finally, not judge others who have come to a different conclusion than us. There is already enough division in the Body of Christ.

JANUARY 14th & 15th
Vermont Covid Summit


Friday, Jan. 14th
CONVERSATIONS WITH FRONTLINE DOCTORS – Atty. Tom Renz & Pastor Christopher Thoma
Truth – Courage – Unassailable Evidence – Action Steps
Buffet Luncheon from 11:00 – 1:00
Learn more and purchase tickets
Saturday, Jan. 15th 
GLOBAL COVID SUMMIT – Join Physicians, Scientists, & Frontline Professionals to Discuss, Covid-19 Insights
Faith, Health, & Hope Global Covid Summit – VT
All-day Covid Summit 8:30 – 5:00
Learn more and purchase tickets